• Naukowczynie UŁ laureatkami nagród ministra nauki

Naukowczynie UŁ laureatkami nagród ministra nauki

Two researchers from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz: Prof. dr hab. Barbara Różalska (retired Professor) and dr hab. Beata Sadowska, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz (Department of Immunology and Infection Biology) are among the outstanding scientists honoured with the Awards of the Minister of Science and Higher Education this year.

Polish Science GalaPolish Science Gala in Toruń. Scientists awarded in the category: lifetime achievements

The award ceremony was held on 19 February on Polish Science Day in Toruń and was one of the events celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Nicolaus Copernicus University. The Minister's awards were conferred to a total of 150 scientists whose work is of key importance for the development of Polish research and teaching.

Your achievements prove that Polish science is at a world-class level and that our universities are constantly developing. The involvement of each of you has a real impact not only on the development of technology, medicine, economy or education, but also on the daily lives of millions of Poles

– said Minister Marcin Kulasek during the Polish Science Gala, thanking the winners for their contribution to the development of science.

The University of Lodz scientists received awards for significant achievements in teaching. Prof. Barbara Różalska and Prof. Beata Sadowska are co-authors of the academic textbook "Mikrobiologia lekarska" [Medical Microbiology] edited by Prof. dr hab. Małgorzata Bulanda, Dr Agata Pietrzyk and Prof. dr hab. Marta Wróblewska, published by Wydawnictwo Lekarskie PZWL. It was this textbook that became the basis for granting the team award to both women.

It is a great honour to be among the winners of such a prestigious award. This event was an opportunity to honour outstanding scientists both for their research work, but also for their teaching activities, which are the pillar of shaping the awareness and competences of young generations. The way in which we engage in dialogue with young people, encourage them to constantly develop and search for new solutions, will ultimately influence the future of all of us

–  commented dr hab. Beata Sadowska, Associate Professor at the University of Lodz, one of the authors of the textbook and winner of the Minister's award. 

The Polish Science Gala was not only a celebration of knowledge, but also an opportunity to reflect on the future of Polish science. The ceremony in Toruń showed that this area is developing dynamically, and its representatives are ready for new challenges. During the meeting, it was repeatedly underlined that the future of science depended not only on institutional support, but also on openness to new ideas and a bold search for truth.

Let science remain a space of freedom, development and searching for truth

– underlined the Minister of Science. 

The head of the ministry also spoke about the priorities of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education aimed at improving the working conditions of scientists. He mentioned, among other things, increasing research funding, combating pseudoscience, simplifying grant procedures and strengthening international cooperation.

Source: Faculty of International and Political Studies, University of Lodz
Edit: Press Office, University of Lodz