• Osiędbanie! Rozwijanie!

Osiędbanie! Rozwijanie!

Would you like to better understand your strengths, manage your time effectively and achieve your goals? We encourage you to try individual coaching.


Coaching classes are a great opportunity to develop your personal and professional skills. Learn to effectively cope with academic challenges, improve motivation and build self-confidence.
Invest in yourself – sign up for individual development sessions with elements of Coaching (free classes).

For students and doctoral students of our university!

Support and Accessibility Centre, University of Lodz (former Academic Support Centre) – Pomorska 152, Łódź (academic campus Lumumbowo). 


To find the dates use the link below and book via MsBookings.

Before booking a date for the first time:

  1. Register in our Centre – fill in the form and support application
  2. Please send the filled in documents to us by e-mail or bring them to us – if you have a disability certificate, attach a scan or take it with you.

via MsBookings
 – click the BOOK A DATE button  (log in using your student login) or by e-mail: cwid@uni.lodz.pl 

You can find more information about support on our Centre's website – Support at the University of Lodz Support and Accessibility Centre

Feel more than welcome to join us!