• Prace zespołu badaczy z Katedry Zoologii Bezkręgowców i Hydrobiologii kierowanego przez Michała Grabowskiego, zostały omówione w The New York Times!

Prace zespołu badaczy z Katedry Zoologii Bezkręgowców i Hydrobiologii kierowanego przez Michała Grabowskiego, zostały omówione w The New York Times!

Studies of a team of researchers from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology (and other Polish and foreign scientific institutions) led by Michał Grabowski was discussed in The New York Times! by Carl Zimmer, a well-known science popularizer and author of many books, who this time addressed the ambiguity of the species definition.

We are always very happy when the results of our research reach the proverbial audience, i.e. go beyond the "scientific bubble" and become of interest to science popularizers and society - especially if this interest goes beyond the "domestic backyard". Therefore, we are very pleased to boast that the work of a team of researchers from our department (and other Polish and foreign scientific institutions), led by Michał Grabowski, was discussed in The New York Times by Carl Zimmer, a well-known science popularizer and author of many books. , which this time addressed the ambiguity of genre definition. For many years, Michał's team's research has focused on, among others: on the issue of the emergence of new species and cryptic species of aquatic organisms, especially amphipod crustaceans. They were what interested Carl Zimmer, who talked to Michał a few weeks ago to find out more about them. You can read about it at the LINK. Congratulations to Michał's entire team!