• Naukowiec WBiOŚ UŁ na spotkaniu grupy roboczej Rady UE

Naukowiec WBiOŚ UŁ na spotkaniu grupy roboczej Rady UE

The meeting of the EU Council Working Group – Major Sport Event Experts was held at the seat of the Council of the European Union (Justus Lipsius building) in Brussels on 6 February of the current year. Prof. Michał Bijak from the Biohazard Prevention Centre at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz was a member of the Polish delegation.

Prof. Michał Bijak, Biohazard Prevention Centre

This was an important event during which the Polish Presidency of the EU Council presented the concept of introducing regulations on CBRN (chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear) security.

During the meeting, Prof. Michał Bijak presented detailed results of research conducted by the University of Lodz by the Centre. The presentation focused on CBRN solutions adapted to the needs of sports facilities and became the foundation for the Council's assumptions.

This is a great distinction and proof that the University of Lodz research projects have a real impact on shaping security policy in Europe. This initiative not only highlights Poland's commitment to security issues, but also shows that scientific work translates into specific changes in international standards for the protection of society

– says Prof. Michał Bijak.

Source: Prof. Michał Bijak, Biohazard Prevention Centre, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
Edit: Kamila Knol-Michałowska, Promotion Centre of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz