• Prof. Michał Bijak z WBiOŚ UŁ wspiera naukowo Komendanta Głównego Policji

Prof. Michał Bijak z WBiOŚ UŁ wspiera naukowo Komendanta Głównego Policji

The first meeting of the Consultative and Advisory Forum of the Chief Constable was held at the headquarters of the Police Headquarters in Warsaw last week. Prof. Michał Bijak, the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz and the Head of the Biohazard Prevention Centre at the University of Lodz, was invited to participate in the Forum. The Consultative and Advisory Forum of the Chief Constable is to provide scientific support for all activities undertaken as part of maintaining public safety and order.

The meeting was held with the participation of insp. Marek Boroń – Chief Constable, superinsp. Rafał Kochańczyk – Vice Chief Constable and insp. Robert Żółkiewski – Director of the Cabinet of the National Police Headquarters. 

The Forum is composed of experts from various fields of science, and Prof. Ewa Jolanta Gruza has been appointed its President. The idea behind the establishment of the body was the need for an interdisciplinary discourse on crime prevention, as well as consultation and co-assessment of the concept of changes, implementation strategies and task structure, with the participation of a group of experts with appropriate knowledge and experience.

The assumptions of the Forum will be focused on creating strategies and taking actions not only for the here and now, but also on long-term activities aimed at adapting the current structures to changing threats. The specialised knowledge of the Forum members and the experience of Polish police officers will allow the development and implementation of all kinds of innovative activities using modern technologies, which will support everyday service and make it safer for both officers and society

– Prof. Michał Bijak 

The Forum, whose term lasts two years, is made up of a group of experts, such as:

  • President – Prof. Ewa Jolanta Gruza – researcher at the Department of Criminalistics of the University of Warsaw at the Faculty of Law and Administration, University of Warsaw,
  • Prof. Michał Bijak – Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz, Head of the Biohazard Prevention Centre at the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz,
  • Prof. Andrzej Misiuk – Head of the Department of Internal Security at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw,
  • Prof. Andrzej Rychard – Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • Dr Irena Doroszkiewicz – Assistant Professor at the Prevention and Prophylaxis Department, Institute of Preventive Service, Faculty of Security and Legal. Sciences, Police Academy in Szczytno,
  • Dr Maria (Maki) Haberfeld, Professor of Police Science, in the Department of Law, Police Science and Criminal Justice Administration at John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York,
  • Dr Kornela Oblińska – Assistant Professor at the Department of Internal Security, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw,
  • Dr Mirosław Oczkoś – lecturer at the Postgraduate Public Relations Studies at the Collegium of World Economy at the SGH Warsaw School of Economics, the WSB Merito University in Gdańsk and the University of Lodz,
  • Piotr Caliński – President at the Spółdzielnia Bezpieczeństwo Obrotu Bankowego, lecturer at the Institute of Economics of the Polish Academy of Sciences and Collegium Civitas.

The body will support the Chief Constable and his deputies in:

  • formulating opinions (including in connection with strategic decisions), advising on matters related to the organisation and activities of the Police, 
  • providing conceptual assistance in the effective implementation of statutory tasks of the Police, 
  • initiating and supporting all forms of public discussion on ways to improve human safety and protect public order and effectively counteract crime.

It is also planned to involve other experts from various fields in the work of the Forum, in accordance with the needs arising from the priorities of the Chief Constable.

Edit: Honorata Ogieniewska, Communications and PR Centre, University pof Lodz

Sourcey: BKS KGP
Photos: Jacek Herok, "Gazeta Policyjna"

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