• Słodkowodne skorupiaki obunogie Kaukazu: grant na badania w ramach konkursu DAINA 3

Słodkowodne skorupiaki obunogie Kaukazu: grant na badania w ramach konkursu DAINA 3

The team of Prof. dr hab. Michał Grabowski from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz has received a grant as part of the DAINA 3 call organised by the National Science Centre. The project, with a total budget of PLN 1,596,020, is etitled "Ewolucja, biogeografia i kryptyczna specjacja hiper-różnorodnych słodkowodnych skorupiaków obunogich Kaukazu" [Evolution, biogeography and cryptic speciation of hyper-diverse freshwater amphipod crustaceans of the Caucasus] (acronym: EvoCAmp).

Gammarus amphipod crustacean genus
The project is implemented in cooperation with the Lithuanian team led by Dr Denis Copilas-Ciocianu from the Nature Research Centre in Vilnius. On the Polish side, the project will be carried out by employees and a student from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz.

Discovering Invisible Life: Secrets of the Cryptic Crustaceans of the Caucasus

It was assumed for a long time that differences in the physical appearance of organisms were necessary to distinguish one species from another. However, advances in molecular research in recent decades have shown that many animals that look identical are actually completely different species. This phenomenon, called cryptic diversity, means that the differences between species are so subtle that they cannot be seen in their physical appearance (morphology). Scientists have long suspected that there are many more such "invisible" species than we thought.

Discovering Cryptic Species: Why Is It So Important?

Discovering cryptic species is of great importance for nature conservation. If we do not know how many species really exist, we cannot effectively protect those that are threatened with extinction. In addition, such species often differ in their environmental preferences and ecological niches – hence, in the case of indicator species for environmental quality (and crustaceans are often such), it is extremely important to correctly determine how many different species we are dealing with. Therefore, scientists around the world are looking for new methods that will allow them to identify and describe those hidden treasures of biodiversity.

The Caucasus – a hotspot of cryptic diversity

The Caucasus is one of the regions of Europe where cryptic diversity may be particularly high. The mountains and waters of this region support thousands of different species, including many still unknown to science. The small amphipod crustaceans of the genus Gammarus are of particular interest to us. They are particularly important as the basis of the trophic webs of aquatic ecosystems in the mountains and they are important indicators of water quality. Although at first glance they look very similar, our genetic studies to date suggest that there may actually be over 100 different species of these crustaceans in the waters of the Caucasus!

Goals of the project

The objective of the project is to thoroughly study these crustaceans and create their phylogenetic tree.

We would like to understand how and when all these species came into being, why they are so similar to each other and how their diversity has changed over millions of years. To achieve this, we will use the latest DNA sequencing technologies różnorodność na przestrzeni milionów lat. Aby to osiągnąć, wykorzystamy najnowsze technologie sekwencjonowania DNA.

– says Prof. dr hab. Michał Grabowski.

Why is this important to all of us?

The planned research will enable us to:

  • discover new species: Increase our knowledge of the richness of life on Earth;
  • understand evolution: expand our knowledge of how new species arise and how life on our planet changes;
  • protect nature: with a better understanding of biodiversity, we will be better able to protect endangered species – formally recognising and describing many of these species will ensure their long-term protection in the face of the current biodiversity crisis.

Our research is not just a scientific curiosity. It is an important step towards better understanding and protecting our planet

– says Prof. dr hab. Michał Grabowski.

Prof. dr hab. Michał Grabowski is a researcher at the Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology. His research activity focuses on spatial-temporal patterns of evolution in aquatic ecosystems, biological invasions in aquatic ecosystems, and the use of DNA barcoding as a tool for studying aquatic biodiversity.


Source: Prof. dr hab. Michał Grabowski, Department of Invertebrate Zoology and Hydrobiology of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
Edit: Marcin Kowalczyk, Centre for Brand Communications, University of Lodz; Kamila Knol-Michałowska, Promotion Centre of the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection
Photo: Tomasz Mamos