• Centrum BCiNM Biobank Łódź reprezentuje UŁ w konsorcjum ELIXIR

Centrum BCiNM Biobank Łódź reprezentuje UŁ w konsorcjum ELIXIR

Centre for Digital Biology and Biomedical Sciences – Biobank Łódź represents the University of Lodz in the ELIXIR consortium, an international research infrastructure whose aim is to support scientists in effectively management, analysis and sharing biomedical and bioinformatics data.

This initiative brings together over 850 experts from 240 institutions in 22 countries, enabling the exchange of knowledge, implementation of best practices and development of tools for the analysis of large data sets. Thanks to ELIXIR, scientists can conduct research faster and more effectively, including in the areas of molecular biology, medicine, agriculture and environmental protection.

Polish part of ELIXIR

ELIXIR-PL consortium operates in Poland and it consists of 9 scientific units:

  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (the consortium leader),
  • Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS
  • Poznan University of Techology,
  • University of Warsaw,
  • Institute of Biochemistry and Biophyysics, PAS,
  • The International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw,
  • Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, PAS,
  • University of Lodz,
  • Medical University of Bialystok.

The aim of ELIXIR-PL is to develop the national bioinformatics infrastructure and to closely cooperate with the European ELIXIR centre in Great Britain. The consortium is involved in creating modern analytical tools, databases, standards and organising training. Thanks to this, Polish scientists have better access to advanced technologies, which translates into the development of medicine, diagnostics and biotechnology.

Representatives of the ELIXIR research infrastructure, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the ELIXIR-PL consortium met on Friday, 28 February 2025, at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań to discuss the benefits of Poland's participation in the ELIXIR infrastructure activities.

The presence of the Centre for Digital Biology and Biomedical Sciences – Biobank Łódź in ELIXIR-PL is an important step for the University of Lodz, enabling participation in international research projects and the development of modern methods of biological data analysis.

Source: Biobank Łódź, University of Lodz
Photo: Przemysław Stanula