• Wyprawa archeologiczna do Peru

Wyprawa archeologiczna do Peru

The "Los valles de Barranca" research team led by Plinio Guilien and Łukasz Majchrzak, together with the team operating as part of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) project, headed by Dr Justyna Marchewka-Długońska from the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, invited scientists from the Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection of the University of Lodz: Dr Beata Borowska – an anthropologist from the Department of Anthropology, Dr Marek Michalski – an entomologist from the Natural History Museum of the University of Lodz and mgr Karina Woźniak – a member of the NAWA project to cooperate within the 2024 excavation season.

Participants of the expedition to Peru, from the left: Dr Beata Borowska, Dr hab. Marek Michalski, mgr Karina WoźniakParticipants of the expedition to Peru, from the left: Dr Beata Borowska, Dr Marek Michalski, mgr Karina Woźniak

The research has been running since the end of June to approximately 20 July 2024 in the vicinity of Barranca, where the accommodation base for all the expedition participants is located. We hope that the expedition will contribute to deepening our knowledge of ancient civilisations from those regions in anthropological, archaeological and entomological terms.

Archaeological site of Caral. The peaks of the Andes in the backgroundArchaeological site of Caral. The peaks of the Andes in the background

You will find more information and photos from the expedition on the website or Facebook profile of "Antropołowcy" Student Science Club.

The photos were taken in Caral-Supe. It is a large archaeological site in the desert in the Supe Valley, in the province of Barranca in northern Peru, discovered in 1905. Caral was inhabited in 3000 B. until 1600 BC and is the oldest known urban centre in the Western Hemisphere and the largest in the Andes region.

The research is carried out as part of the NAWA project no. BPN/GIN/2023/1/00045/U/00001.

Source: Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Lodz
Text: Beata Borowska, Michał Gruberski
Photos: Beata Borowska