Katedra Cytofizjologii

About us

Research topics

Reactions of Cajal bodies to stress factors.

Structure, function and transcriptional activity of nucleoli. Reactions of nucleoli to stress factors. Fusion of nucleoli.

Lipotubuloids - plant structures rich in microtubules and lipid droplets (spherosomes), their role in lipid synthesis and cuticle formation. Biosynthesis, structure and function of plant and animal cuticle. Plant lipid structures.

Regulation of plant embryogenesis, with particular emphasis on the role of MAPK kinases.

Assessment of the algicidal potential of new chemical compounds. The effect of herbicides on plant development. Cellular aspects of agrotechnical treatments. Natural chemical compounds as alternative plant protection agents.

Regulatory mechanisms of the cell cycle in plants. Cohesins, condensins and Aurora kinases and the function of the mitotic chromosome.

Premature condensation of chromosomes. Chromosomal and genomic instability. DNA damage and DNA repair. Replication stress. Replication timing.

Induction of synchronous chromatin condensation under replication stress conditions. Changes in chromatin structure induced by replication stress and caffeine-dependent premature chromosome condensation. Changes in epigenetic patterns associated with DNA replication in root meristem cells under stress induced by heavy metals and DNA biosynthesis inhibitors. Oxidative-replication relationships in plants under stress conditions.

Scientific projects (completed in the last decade)

The role of the MAP kinase pathway in the response to replication stress and DNA damage in Vicia faba root meristematic cells. NCN.

Changes in epigenetic patterns associated with disturbances in the DNA replication process in Vicia faba root meristems after cadmium exposure. Miniatura 3.

Assessment of phytotoxicity and selectivity of calamus oil and determination of target sites of its action in seeds and seedlings of two cultivated species (Vicia faba var. minor L. and Lupinus luteus L.) and segetal species (Brassica napus L. and Arabidopsis thaliana L.); doctoral research grants at the University of Lodz.

Implementation and optimization of Arabidopsis thaliana in vitro cultivation as a model for assessing the effect of candicidin D on plants; student research grants at the University of Lodz, 3rd edition.

The effect of candicidin D as a potential fungicide on the development of seedlings of plants differing in the chemical structure of phytosterols; grant manager; student research grants at the University of Lodz, 2nd edition.

The effect of candicidin D, a potential plant protection agent, on cell proliferation and growth of rapeseed seedlings; grant manager; student research grants at the University of Lodz, 1st edition. Interaction of plant hormones in the control of programmed cell death by regulating cytokinin metabolism; international (Polish-Czech) research project.

Development of a model for the activation of origin sites in response to replication stress and induction of premature mitoses, taking into account the next round of replication and nuclear division; NCN research project.

Cooperation with foreign and domestic partners

Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Lodz,

Botanical Garden, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw-Powsin,

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany,

University of Malaga, Spain: Instituto de Hortofruticultura Subtropical y Mediterránea“La Mayora” UMA-CSIC, Campus de Teatinos, 29071 Málaga,

University of Białystok, Faculty of Biology, Department of Plant Biology and Ecology,

University of Białystok, Faculty of Chemistry,

Poznań University of Life Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture and Bioengineering, Department of Agronomy,

Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Drug Technology,

Medical University of Lublin, Department of Pharmacognosy with Garden of Medicinal Plants.


The Department of Cytophysiology co-organizes teaching activities (lectures, seminars, classes, specialist and master's workshops) at full-time and part-time first and second cycle studies and at third cycle studies in the following fields:


Criminal biology,

Biomonitoring and ecological biotechnologies,



Contact details

Department of Cytophysiology

  • Pomorska 141/143 90-236 Łódź
tel: 42-635-47-34 e-mail:
